Seeing the World Differently
What is it to seeing the world differently
To see as a pure soul understanding being
To be as nature,to love other critters equal
To see another just as they are
There is no color only kindness to be share
We are raised a harsh world we live
Where people walk the same dreams they fight
The same steps and journey they find themselves
To look as deep the belief of God, goodness & kind
The laws are not hard to believe as it is of truth
To look deep in your soul,to perfect perfection is change
Seeing the world differently,we all bleed & breathe the same
To better ourselves is to change the soul existing
To feel inside a feeling of unquestionable reason
Who we are our hearts share a smile and greeting
Being human, such love we share even in grief
To love a pet is to love another even to nurture
Just as the day is nurchi so be the hope's for life
So be each its own, that our boundaries know no limits
To love is to overcome hatred, just a breath away
To be differently known speaking different language
Life is just you & me,US seeing the world differently
While we share same dreams of hope,love &peace be strong
The same we fight, seeing the world differently
Through it thus make us strong in ourselves
Copyright © Steve Harvell | Year Posted 2023
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