Seasons of Life and Death
Life or death
is a left-brain dominant cultural assumption,
While right-brain is more comfortable
with life and death,
health and pathology,
nuance of co-arising dipolarity.
shout for sustainability!
Ecologists calmly advocate
polycultural energy resilience
to recreate wealthier dynamic ecosystems
While warm psychologists
and embracing psychiatrists
listen for co-relational resonance within
and between
healthy cooperative ego-systems.
resonance between egos
not so robustly
democratically healthy,
might also develop unfortunately viral,
vicious feedback loops
of negative,
toxic communication
festering monocultural missions
of supremacist degenerativity;
more of a persistently narcissistic weed patch
than a resonant right-brain
and resilient left-brain
I recently read that viruses
can be as dead
zero-dynamic absent exchange of energy,
as a tiny pebble,
but, when placed in a friendly organic environment,
come back to life,
rebirth resonance,
if not life/death recycling resilience.
sounding more like cool metaphysicists,
report subatomic particles are affluently indestructible
and effluently destructible,
depending on whether we observe as a functional part of a whole
or as a structured whole of an energy flowing past through future part.
Immortal because an unchanging co-related potentiality
within any one static moment of unimage-able time,
and yet mortal
as a constantly changing process
of co-acclimating energy exchange,
transitioning into transformation
into retransitioning.
when spatially imaged as individual function,
independent sub-structure co-relational constancy
within a linear line of temporal events,
not resonantly
sacredly fulfilled,
as complete viral extending family
into spatial interdependence.
Resonantly alive
when resilience
flows toward positive healthy,
co-relational intent,
and not confused with persistent fragmentation
flowing out into dispersed
evaporating lose/lose potentialities,
monoculturing weed patch autocratic
self-aggrandizing intent,
Which matures into rabidity,
feeds on our own young,
future generations,
and, finally, on our own extremities
until democratic viral death
remains autonomously,
irresiliently silent
without hope
for life
or even further death
of life-giving species.
Which may all have something,
and nothing,
to do with why the most positively viral economic
and political
and social
and psychological
and analogical
and ethological
and metaphysical enlivening environmentalists
resonantly speak up and out!!
for optimizing sustained
co-present resilience of cooperative intent!!
to optimize all climates
advocating multicultural exclamation points!!
of life and death and repurposing life...
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2019
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