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Sea Shanty

The sea gathered her voice on the crest of the waves as dark clouds were herded by the wind as he raved in a symphony orchestrated through elements of sound composed by the air from his drafty compound. By the drum of the surf on the beat of the waves a crescendo that climbed with the sea as she raged while the wind as the maestro pulled pockets of sound from the whistles and moans as he swept ‘cross the ground. Soprano! cried the killdeer Tenor! screeched the gulls as a baritone foghorn boomed from the hull of a ship that swayed drunkenly atop of the surf staying clear of the breakers that crashed on the turf The ship creaked a response as it groaned a refrain but the deft hand of a shipwright would keep it sustained for he’d hewn and he’d whittled great emblems of love carving an angel for the figurehead and atop the masthead, a dove. When the wind stopped his jostling and the sea spent her ire the ship slipped back to its haven of warm hearths and bright fires where the men mused and wondered over great tankards of ale if the hymns and hosannas.. had been but, the wind in the sails?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 5/22/2016 7:58:00 PM
This is awesome and I love how the meter sort of swells and ebbs like waves. You are beyond talented. Another easy 7 from me. =D -G
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Date: 2/23/2015 12:45:00 AM
I love this :) TKs for reading Angel Hearts :)
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Date: 1/16/2014 6:10:00 PM
Oh by gar! A fit un fer the pub, eh me darlin. daver
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Date: 1/29/2013 2:59:00 PM
Exquisite imagery for the sea, for the surf, and kinda funny too, Mikki! Wonderful! Terry (and thank you for your kind words... maybe I'll look around for a pair of shoes with gold buckles ... a present for you...)
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Date: 11/24/2012 2:01:00 PM
Love your poem and your tapestry of words. Wonderful write.
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Date: 8/27/2012 10:15:00 AM
A regular storm movement from some symphony, or a scene from an opera. Your rhythmic movement is wonderful, keeps the storm in reality. Then, the topper - those last 8 lines. Love, daver
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