Scratched Record
It's almost a hollow pain when my thoughts meet
I feel it every time I think about everything
Like the world is sitting on my back
The universe just keeps stacking new problems and adding new hurdles to my already burdened path
I don't know how much longer I want to go on
Like the world is a record that just spins, but mine has so many scratches it just keeps replaying the same old song
I'm so tired of being tired of trying to deal with it and sing along
Trying to remove scratches with sandpaper patches
But it just makes this record of living more tragic
just keeps going and going and going until
The vinyl is worn down, and the words eventually are hard to make out
But it just keeps saying the same damn thing
I'm sure I'm overwhelmed by it, by now
I've been taking advice, and I'm working on changing the song
I even wrote new lyrics to try and replace the old ones
It's been challenging, to say the least
The fact that my world still weighs so heavily on me
I wonder if I'm actually getting better a little at the very least
Or if pure delusion is just blinding me
Copyright © Sierra Mazzucca | Year Posted 2024
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