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Schmoe For the Gizzmo

You ought'a see my home, Actually not, There is no room, With all the sheet I got If it's on TV, It's in my home, No commercial fails As do some of my poem I got stairmaster, with no stairs, Oxyclean with no dirt, Hercules Hooks with no pictures, Squeegees with no squirt, Bow-flex I'm too weak to move, The latest disco dancing groove, I got pre-menstrual meds, That I do not need, Vitamins abundant, More than Asian weed.... And tomato plants 7 feet tall, In a 6 foot house, I got anti-rat sonic devices, Yet don't have a mouse, If I missed something You think I need, Please sign me up right now, Cause I can't do without it, Damn and holy cow! I need everything at least twice, Whether it's for my rug, Or body lice... I dont have to need the things I want, I just gotta' get em' Or I shan't Feel like a real American consumer, Red, White, and Blue.... Buying sheet he don't need And lovin it too!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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