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Scene of Sunset Meets the Horizon With Hymn

It takes a long voyage to find the right road A battle field that everyone has told Face thy fear though heart may be shatter unto pieces It might be a facade so hold thy tears with fears Bravery in you and likeness Of a warrior named Achilles Be with a mighty sword as you face thy opponent Victorious duel without bafflement Anxiety strikes for illusions of being apart Afraid to lose you with julienne heart Love me for real my childhood dream Even when the scene of sunset meets the horizon with hymn We are all too fallible We do commit some tidbits of failures But for eternity, you will always be my man And I’ll give you my heart for the best I can It’s a far smile from those halcyon days Though we undergo labyrinth in many ways And at times I become lachrymose and weak Your tender affection is what my heart seeks But never be at daggers drawn Life is definitely accompanied with storm It’s a promise that I will never lose heart for you It’s a real love for you my beau by : JOYZEL MAE P. SOTES dedicated to : JAKE O. DELA PAZ July 2, 2014

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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