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Satanically Strong

In the course of predator and prey, there's a constant fight. Amidst wild beasts, there's the rationale of might is right. The might overpowers the weak. Vice is bound by virtue. The enslaver is enslaved by you. Laurels are your due. Deceit and fraudulence are weapons of the opponent. Plunder and loot of hearts are parts of his soul's component. Though guards his house fully armed, are his life and mammon safe? His stronghold, by the stronger, should not waste into a waif. Satan and strong man, you had put into the same balance. Stronger was your sacred strength, which was beyond all malice. Grasp of the strongman Satan's got smashed in your stamina. Vesting the weak and wrecking the strong were your phenomena. Fully armed, in his own house, could Satan win over you? Word by word and deed by deed, you dazzled him through and through.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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