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Santa Came To My Grandmas House

Being just four ,that loud knock on the frosted, front glass door! The fierce ringing of the handbell meant only one thing! That Santa was here with toys, but we have first had to sing. Then sit on the floor, each had questions to answer and more. I was so frightened, I would get a black lump of coal? I looked into Santas soft, blue eyes as I sat on his shiny red thighs. I relaxed,answered all his questions and with relief, deeply sighed. But I sensed, Santa had a warm and loving soul. We cousins, Dennis,Bruce,Madelyn and I, then returned to our places. Aunt Helen played the piano and we sang to God honoring this season. As Christmas in our home had a religious reason. Santa passed out our presents, not one of us got a lump of coal. Santa had homemade cake and coffee, waved goodbye and left. He filled us with good, Christmas cheer. Not one of us was present less nor bereft! ~~~~~~~~~ In fond memory of my younger Cousins, Bruce and Madelyn, who loved all people, life and the wonder of this planet! Both are in heaven! Cousin Panagiota 12/19/2021

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 12/20/2021 12:17:00 AM
Happy memories Pangie, but quite sad when you realise loved ones from past Christmases are no longer with us. Tom
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/20/2021 2:46:00 AM
Hi, is a mix this year for sure. We all have missing members for decades. Its when you lose one close in age, that hurts most. Worst of all not even a month ago. Pangie
Date: 12/19/2021 8:05:00 PM
Oh how I have loved all the family Christmases through the years! Such wonderful memories. God bless, Pangie. Wishing you all the magic that is Christmas!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/19/2021 9:03:00 PM
How very special these days were, eh! I loved them as well. Same magic dust be yours, Panagiota xo
Date: 12/19/2021 2:23:00 PM
This brought back some Christmas memories. On Christmas Eve, after we had fallen asleep... My parents and their friends (After a few drinks) would wake us up to entertain them with a few seasonal songs. I had forgotten all about that until I read your fine effort. Have a great day my friend.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/19/2021 6:56:00 PM
David, glad it brought back those memories which you shared with us...families do drink around the holiday season. I still smell both rum and bourbon.)) Rum was popular, I still can smell it. I took Santa quite to heart. Ans that “lump of coal” tradition. All mu cousins grew to be accomplished, fine people.Madelyn McCay passed a few weeks ago. Her poems and comments lighten my soul, David! Panagiota and family wish you and yours the best
Date: 12/19/2021 1:41:00 PM
Warm, loving memories. I pray there are many families still following such tradition -- and of course, not forgetting whose birthday we are celebrating. "He filled us with good, Christmas cheer. Not one of us was present less nor bereft!" That's the way it should be. Blessings! A Fav.!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/19/2021 7:07:00 PM
We always hold a special ceremony for Christ before doing a thing. My grabdson has been in Christian schools since preschool.all to the goog. He is now in Christian High School. He knows very well, the reason for the reason. Best to the Prince and Princess in the De Mino Kingdom..

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