Sandwich Sea
I went out sailing on Sandwich Sea
With my motley crew of make beliefs
In a boat of pumpernickel with masts of cheese
Mustarding our courage in a spreadable breeze
We watched peanut butter jelly fish swimming by
Along with a school of tuna fish on rye
But it was the salmon egg salad that caught my eye
When a storm of salt and pepper rained from the sky
Waves of mayonnaise tossed us to and fro
Thinking we might sink in our breaded boat
Saved by a 12 inch sub that surfaced on that note
Helping the boys and me to stay afloat
As they lettuce out of danger and set us free
No one spreading joy was happier than me
With my motley crew of misfit make beliefs
Sailing the high cheese out on Sandwich Sea
Copyright © Mike Hauser | Year Posted 2017
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