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Sands of Solitude

Silent streams swirl silver shadows deep Where sorrow's sediment settles, secrets keep Forgotten fragments of a fractured past Echoes of emotions that will forever last Fleeting fingers of fate fan out the sand As fragile fortunes falter, lost in the land Unspoken undertows of unfulfilled desire Yearning for a yesterday that's lost in the fire Gathering gusts of grief, I grasp the grains As whispers of what could've been remain in vain Shifting shores of shattered dreams unfold A tale of time and tears, forever to be told In hollowed halls of heartache, I reside Where shadows of shattered hopes abide The weight of worn-out words, a heavy heart A melancholy melody, forever to impart Through the glassy gates of grief, I gaze At the grains of time, in a haze of daze A labyrinth of lost love, a maze of pain A solitary soul, forever to remain In the hourglass of existence, I'm confined A prisoner of pain, forever left behind The sands of solitude, a slow descent A lonely journey, without a reprieve or consent Fractured fragments of a forgotten past Echoes of emotions that will forever last In the desolate dunes of a dying heart A solitary soul, forever to depart Through the veil of vulnerability, I see A reflection of regret, a legacy to be A tale of time and tears, forever to unfold A story of sorrow, forever to be told In the shifting sands of solitude, I stand A monument to melancholy, in this desolate land

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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