Sand Castle
Gentle sonic of piano and violin guides our
dance connected eyes in trance in stance
of love the lord smiles above connecting
our love free the doves of heaven concealing
the moment with peace my soul flares with
each step we step side to side spin and glide
tingle,melt, form and sculpt brightness in soul
and mind vanishing in rays of romance appearing
on the bay of happiness playing in the sands of
time,giggling as the tides collide before our eyes
sand castles formed in eternal connection king and
queen on sand in castle mending tender love the
castle never falls,it never fades painted in golden
hues,when the tides come to wash it away in our
hearts it will for ever stay,every gain bonding our
sand castle everlasting , darling bring your best
bucket bring your best scoop we will build a city
of sand on beach as I beseech your wetness and
distract your sand castle in the making the dawn
sets as we wet the sand we have made our sand
castle of love.
By: Elliott Bowe
Copyright © Elliott Bowe The Drunken Poet | Year Posted 2012
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