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Sad Liars

Its funny, its funny how they all play out, If you ask me i think it's silly how they all are. Im old, Im very old But that doesn't mean i've seen it all.. How could i? It’ll just end up killing me. I, I’ve seen just enough to know how truly silly it is, How silly they are, How silly they make things. They’ll pay for their wrapped around cancer in a box But yet again it wouldn't kill them. They pay for company that lasts for a couple of hours, And yet again maybe they could be happy. If only, it wasn’t short, But it is all very short, Very short and fake. They pay for anything to make them feel alive And believe in any stranger’s word, for some kind of truth Just to continue living in their silly ways and silly numbers. Will you be my friend? i don't have anything to sell or any money But i can offer something that's not silly.. The truth at its very best..

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 7/22/2020 10:58:00 AM
Hi, just returning to read your first write, and am so happy i did. I love how innocent and brutal this poem is, wonderful. A fan, lewis.
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Unfamiliar Flower
Date: 7/23/2020 10:23:00 AM
Thank you very much. I haven’t been writing or active here for a couple of months receiving this brought me back :) thank you for that and thank for reading again :)
Date: 11/9/2018 7:18:00 AM
Very nice. Good write
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Date: 2/24/2018 12:44:00 AM
Hi Anna this is again a beautiful piece of writing and telling a harsh reality of fake love i like your ending note with the following words " Will you be my friend? i don't have anything to sell or any money But i can offer something that's not silly.." the true love is without any interest of money and material things....... i want this love also thanks and best wishes
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Unfamiliar Flower
Date: 2/26/2018 12:50:00 AM
thank you :) glad you liked it... i as well want such a love
Date: 12/10/2017 9:12:00 PM
Great write Antonia, no punches pulled, great stuff. Great perspective
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Date: 12/9/2017 2:03:00 AM
A profound write for your first post Antonia.
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Date: 12/7/2017 6:20:00 AM
Cool truth debut poem, Antonia. You speak the words that many fear to say to themselves. Your analytical laser focus pen is very riveting. You are a breath of fresh air here at PSoup. This belated welcome is flush w/admiration for your talented pen. Beautiful truths expressed in this splendid poem. Love and more love to you and yours.
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Unfamiliar Flower
Date: 12/7/2017 12:03:00 PM
Thank you so much :) same to you :)
Date: 11/30/2017 8:22:00 AM
Well you ve given a very nice message here, and you re absolutely right, friendship should be based on personality of someone, not background, religion, greed anything and believe me, you can only make nice friends when you re true, and your feelings for your friends are sincair,
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Unfamiliar Flower
Date: 11/30/2017 8:51:00 AM
thank you very much... sometimes when you are true they just eat you up so after you've been eaten a bunch of times, you then find someone that has been eaten a bunch of times too, and then you can comfort each other and be the freind you always wanted to have
Date: 11/29/2017 4:39:00 PM
It is rare to see such an exceptional piece as someone first poem on the soup. This is a superb start.
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Unfamiliar Flower
Date: 11/30/2017 7:22:00 AM
thank you so much :)
Date: 11/29/2017 4:39:00 PM
It is rare to see such an exceptional piece as someone first poem on the soup. This is a superb start.
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Date: 11/29/2017 1:31:00 PM
Friends should have no agendas and it should be about the spiritual connection.. Well written and great first post.. Welcome to poetry soup..
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Unfamiliar Flower
Date: 11/30/2017 7:07:00 AM
thank you :) yes sadly there are only a few genuine people that are good friends
Date: 11/29/2017 12:11:00 AM
Is sad when we seek happiness only to find sadness, humans for some reason fall and seek happiness the wrong ways, is sad for all, this was a very well expressed poem!
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Unfamiliar Flower
Date: 11/29/2017 3:50:00 AM
Yes it’s sad because we’re confused. You’re very right we look the wrong places for happiness. We’re vulnerable weak beings... thank you for reading and liking it :)
Date: 11/28/2017 9:21:00 PM
I love the truth, Antoina, enjoyed reading ... Welcome to soup. Hugs Eve
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Unfamiliar Flower
Date: 11/29/2017 3:45:00 AM
I’m glad that you enjoyed it!! Thank you :)
Date: 10/26/2017 3:34:00 AM
- Welcome to Poetry Soup with your first poem Antonia, hope there will be many more in the future - // S.S.
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Unfamiliar Flower
Date: 11/29/2017 3:44:00 AM
Thank you ??
Date: 10/17/2017 3:13:00 AM
Great Free Verse! I like your poem a lot, you have a way with words. This is not Blank Verse, that is a very specific type of poem with very strict rules. Welcome to PoetrySoup :)
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Unfamiliar Flower
Date: 10/17/2017 5:32:00 AM
thank you... sorry i wasn't aware of the form

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