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Sacred Spacemaking

Dear Neighbors, community co-investors, sharing an outdoor green riverside Commons and an indoor historical CommonSpace Both, and all, sacred to panentheistic me and probably more mundanely secular to monoculturing LeftBrain dominant verbally rationalistic you And yet, co-relational lives of thought and feeling always matter to cooperative effective communication resilience through sustainable community design Relentlessly curious and not the least judgmental about who eats smoked fish on Fridays and who uses cannabis to incense Buddha Shrines grown from experiencing "we" agree however temporarily Contextually informed by ego-trauma narratives and eco-therapeutic nutrition, indigenous nature nurturing feminist wisdom Of what we can become once again bilaterally literate, in which I can see your secular LeftBrain enlightenment as also my sacred RightBrain bipartisan Both/And appositional co-arising empowerment for co-empathic listening and learning from the "OtherSide" To BothSelf/AndOther Trust that trauma-informed therapies reflect indigenous Beauty of therapeutic integrity, balance, kindness, symmetry, happiness bilaterally co-arising dipolarity, integral trauma-preventive wellbeing resilience Potential to segregate and alternatively re-incorporate what compassionate robust multicultural consciousness remediates win/win together To recreate safe learning environments especially for those most at-risk of not thriving in a monoculturing corporate trauma environment of chronic stress, emotional neglect, marginalization, judgment, ostracization, shame served from entitled LeftBrain dominant silvered platters StraightWhiteMale monopolistic matters rooted in monotheistic privileged prominence Endorsing retributive justice punishments cashed and coined in Blame efficiently self-inflicted, internalized and hidden, repressed, suppressed, not impressed enculturation For not being stress-free healthy and safe mentally/spiritually liberated enough to become win/win smart, co-passionately attractive, transparently vulnerable, unconditionally kind with physical EgoSelf indigenous within metaphysical EcoOthers. If our goals include education in how to grow healthy and safe resilience for all sacredly integral species, natural/spiritual elements, kids becoming adolescent civil service learners Safe and interactively healthy growing effective learning children in wellness mentally wealthy win/win cooperatively learning multiculturally robust classrooms co-investing in deep listening to what on Earth matters Climate anxiety and denial constrictions may further ensnare emotional restrictions for those most vulnerable to traumas of racism genderism ageism ableism capital-divestment patriarchalism political RightWing autocracy anthro-supremacy sexism secularization colonization apartheid polarization partisanship classism homophobia straight-white-male privilege Win/win cooperative blindness in monocultural win/lose siloes of climatic overwhelm, unblessed traumatic lose/lose degenerativity Less able to manage chronic stress depression learning disabilities, ecocidal ideation fears and anxiety of a wounded supremacist nation, oppression from LeftBrain dominant society, paternalistic authority structures retributive RightWing self-righteousness Unnaturally inspired by monotheistic Father Above uncompromised capitalist colonizing christianizing intentions Could not love all with unconditional omnipotent regard and yet create natural laws made of soporific disregard, sleeping unconcerned through thrival of Earth's win/lose Fittest LeftBrain verbal evolutionary dominance having thrived in monoculturing competitive classrooms threatens those who could offer compassion grown from accepting and honoring expressions of vulnerability, disabled humbled kindness learned from nonviolent communication's value for radical trauma transparency, emotive and cognitive intimacy, de-stressed ripening integrity Endorsed by Principles of CoOperative Learning, featuring classroom co-management for inter-generational and/or inter-religious mental health and safety standards For students, and their mentors and therapeutic community and family mediators, atheistic and/or panentheistic, cisgender through transgender, low stressed through critical and multiple serious trauma events of history Making effective and integral learning safe spaces for Ego/EcoHealthy Teams Communities CoInvestors engaged in project-based trauma-informed non-violent not-just-about-profit learning theory and experiential co-empathic engagement in joy and co-passion, time and compassion, Inviting cooperative win/win agency including appreciating conservative Sacred-Safety Lovers of green ecofeminist cognitive/emotive co-relationships neuro-sensory systemic mental health recognizes spiritual wealth, Secular local learning places within sacred global teaching mind-health green meadows and blue sky spaces.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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