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Sabbath Day In Alder's Gulch, Montana!

Glitterin' gold wuz struck along Alder's Gulch in eighteen sixty-three! Potential prospectors came frum as fer away as Knoxville, Tenn-o-see! Hordes uv soiled doves and gamblers migrated to the Gulch as well, Along with platoons uv ruffians and barkeeps, their potent booze to sell! Fellers labored hard all week pickin' and a-shovelin' at their claim. But Sundays wuz set aside to raise 'oly 'ell, much uv it to their shame! Baptist preachers thumped their Bibles tryin' to preach above the din. There warn't no churches so they preached in saloons aginst the wages uv sin! Hurdy-gurdy gals roamed about 'neath the steely-eyed gaze uv their 'madam'. Guns and bowie knives wuz rife and wuz brandished by the dudes that had 'em! Brawls erupted resultin' in blackened eyes and numerous bloodied noses, Leavin' heaps uv rowdies sprawled on sawdust floors in grotesque poses! Pie-aner players added to the din beltin' out their bawdy songs! Preachers gave up and said to 'ell with it and joined the festive throngs! Poker games wuz proceedin' in ever' saloon, usually endin' in a ruckus, Since there seemed to be an excess uv aces held by some cheatin' cuss! Fallin' down drunks wuz nuisances that bouncers simply booted out the door, But they somehow meandered to another pub to imbibe a little more! On Sundays they had their spree - on Mondays though sick and broke, They panned fer 'dust fer another Sabbath frolic - the aim uv ever' bloke! Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired © All Rights Reserved

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 8/21/2018 10:03:00 PM
G'day Bob … ah the saloons. The richest gold mines in the west and beyond - enjoyed this visit to one - Lindsay
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Date: 11/21/2010 2:50:00 PM
good job on a hard thing to do. you missed spelled a lot uv words but you made yre point. John H. Loving III
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Date: 11/20/2010 6:37:00 AM
You brought these old West days back to life through the lives of the prospectors. Witty, but also a touch of nostalgia and some perspective on values. Very cool poem, Bob! Love, Carolyn
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Date: 11/19/2010 10:08:00 PM
Thnx Robert for appreciating my creation "Worst breakfast ever"... Luv/best wishes.......Hitendra Mehta
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Date: 11/19/2010 6:46:00 PM
Another outstanding offering, Sarge. Awesome write. Enjoyed. Hard to imagine, this time next week we'll be out to sea! Can hardly wait. Best to you and Vera. Thanks for the soup mail, my friend. Una/Ralph
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Date: 11/19/2010 5:42:00 PM
Shore is a dandy rhyme ye got here me friend. Agape, Moses
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Date: 11/19/2010 5:04:00 PM
Them hurdy gurdy gals will do it every time Bob ..what an enjoyable poem tonight I have read from your creative pen my friend... the dialogues on word play is just awesome luv.. as only u can present it to us to entertain .. happy weekend with luv..
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Date: 11/19/2010 3:49:00 PM
Living for the so called fun in life...Good one..Sara
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Date: 11/19/2010 2:59:00 PM
I had so much fun reading, and trying to make out the different talk they held back in them days, (LIN~RA)
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Date: 11/19/2010 2:53:00 PM
This a picture perfect are a true poet Bob and a pleasure to read...Michael
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Date: 11/19/2010 2:51:00 PM
wow! Sounds like a the making of a good movie,, love the poem,, Gamblers all fair and square, glad it has a name,,,, GOLD RUSH~ enjoyed your poem,..p.d.
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