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Rose-Coloured Glasses

The calamity of the world, The cries of hunger ring so loud, The wars slaughtering so many— My rose-coloured glasses I wear. Wildfires keep burning so brightly, Lives destroyed all in one big sweep. Families weeping and searching— My rose-coloured glasses I wear. The greed of money knows no end, Men with egos at the table, Denouncing the name of the Lord— My rose-coloured glasses I wear. Hate has more power than love now, An eye for an eye, so deadly. Living hell on earth, so I grab My rose-coloured glasses I wear.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 1/25/2025 11:49:00 PM
Nice piece. Unfortunately so true. We need the rose colored glasses though or we would go crazy with worry.
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Clendening Avatar
Lise Clendening
Date: 1/26/2025 7:04:00 AM
So true, Oliver! Thank you!
Date: 1/25/2025 8:56:00 PM
This accurately reflects society today. So sad yet so alarming. I know people notice but do not take action unless it benefits them. Nice work.
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Lise Clendening
Date: 1/26/2025 7:03:00 AM
Yes, it is so sad and alarming Ian! Thank you!

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