Rise of the Swine
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For the swine shall arise
from the river of fire
armed with the hammer
of scornful desire
seeking to feast
in its blood thirsty rage
on the meek and the feeble
the weakened of age
From his black soulless eyes
to his char crusted snout
alas he emerges
to trample about
fanning his flames
he shall rise ever higher
this aching unquenchable
belly of fire
All that remains
in the wake of his gorge
are the bloody and broken
his hammer will forge
wildly swung
with a feverish scorn
as the people will wail
of remorse as they mourn
While the temperature rises
still higher and higher
Be but warned
of your burning desire
death and destruction
is all we acquire
when the swine shall arise
from the river of fire
Copyright © Jeannie Cronin | Year Posted 2021
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