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Rise of China

China, like the phoenix rising from the ashes, rises from the waters of the Eastern seas and spits unstoppable fire of the red dragon! He does not indulge in conflict but only progress. Sometimes, called the red dragon, He attracts interest from all corners of the world, enjoying trad intercourse with friends and foes. The Chinese actions are not from arrogance but out of service to its people. China development is not about speed, ideas, efficiency, or power. It is about knowing his own limitations and celebrating the gifts of others. The century of humiliations never made China back down. His vision lifted over 800 million people out of poverty in the past 40 years, showing the world that, nothing is impossible. China is not distracted by the insults and lies coming from different directions. China focus is on progress! China has created dangerous and sophisticated weapons but has never conquered a single nation outside its borders. That's true power and leadership! Everywhere China goes, builds and not destroy. China Vision for the World Is Not to Divide but to Unite! China minding its own business in genuine silence is a sign of humility and respect for others. China not forcing others to be like them is a mark of true wisdom. You were one of the first to travel around the world, but you never colonised anyone. Even when they are bullying you, your focus is on progress and meaningful development. your goal is not to rule the world but to unite the world and make it better place for all. By Chanda Katonga.

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