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Right verses wrong

Many have little faith and are part of a great heresy what our Lord calls abominations they support with a full heart Lawless behaviour has become the new normal everyday it is hard to fathom the dept of this corruption displayed only a handful will stand up for the truth to be told right History is filled with similar stories told by saints and the Bible the serpent is working on a cunning plan to restructure the family sinful logic has no place in addressing God's art of creation a mother is gendered when her womb becomes the cradle of life Our worse sin is we have destroyed and betrayed ourselves working within this darkness silently they pretend to serve the Light

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 8/14/2024 4:29:00 PM
So true Liam. However, this generation will not survive the Great Tribulation just ahead. Only the few and chosen
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