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Rich Or Wealthy

So what are the Rule's ? You wish to place place this wager on ? And how is the Jury then to Judge ? Your Bank Account Your Real Estate Your Stocks and Share's Minks and Furs Supercars , Jewel's and Gold Versus My 2nd Mortgage 10 year old Car Overdrafts And rising Credit Card Bills Based on this alone I fear you win this wager Hands down no contest But what if we raised the stakes To what we could actually take with us to our grave Like Friends and Family Those we have blessed Lives we had touched I fear my Foe The Currency in Death you shall seek Will not be measured In Money and Gold But rather in Deed's and Actions And whether or not you will be missed

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 6/23/2020 4:21:00 AM
I only realized how much I loved my dad when he actually died I swear I was a changed person for months after his death but I suppose that’s how we measure love by the grief it leaves in its wake, what you went through was a complete nightmare I read your ode to your father it’s a brilliant first post, cheers David
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Flaherty Avatar
Christopher Flaherty
Date: 6/23/2020 3:06:00 PM
Please will you read my poem Praying for a quick death and see If it strikes a note with you please Bud. And thank you for reading and reminding me of my Ode to my Father poem its like i said to you somtimes its great to revisit old poems again it reminded me why i started writting in the 1st place because he did and to make sense of it all posthumously
Flaherty Avatar
Christopher Flaherty
Date: 6/23/2020 2:58:00 PM
Its like you are reading my mind David like you sadly i only realized after he died and by that time it was to late to say im sorry. He loved me but as personalities we clashed. 1 of his favorite sayings was Familiarity breeds contempt. Sadly most of my best memories of him we're just before he died. He was a big Man and come the very end i could virtually carry him to the toilet with 1 hand. Never put off till tomorrow or say what you could today. Because you never know if you will get the opportunity to do it and live to regret it
Date: 6/22/2020 3:10:00 PM
I will check your other poems out at length over the next few weeks especially that other one you mentioned cheers David
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Date: 6/22/2020 3:05:00 PM
Hi Christopher I’m blown away this is top drawer poetry it symbolizes so much about life in general but the argument you put forward as a wager is beyond anything I could conjure up, then the way you win the bet has humbled me, The saddest day of my life when my father died suddenly aged 59, he loved life but was basically broke, but the absolute grief he left behind was immeasurable, This is not lip service I’m a rhymster your a poet thank you David
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Flaherty Avatar
Christopher Flaherty
Date: 6/22/2020 5:18:00 PM
David my Dad died at 59 on the 28th December 2001 would have been 60 in January but never made it rotted to death of Cancer on morphine in S.A no NHS couldn't afford medical so got no help at all was an awful way to die. Stubborn git Doctor gave him a Bible and told him to make his peace with God and he duely threw it out the window . Stood by his conviction until his final breathe he didnt believe and wasn't going to start just because he was dying. Sad and sorry for your loss shows you must have loved him dearly
Date: 8/21/2019 6:53:00 PM
I like this. I think that judgment day is a day when we realize how things were different because of us, and whether we're in Heaven or Hell depends on whether they were better or worse. I think that this is right on, man!
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Date: 4/12/2019 3:30:00 PM
Congrats on being in the top 100 new poems! I love this message. You have the winning life and death formula.
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Flaherty Avatar
Christopher Flaherty
Date: 4/16/2019 4:59:00 PM
Cheers Richard Ta thank you very much didn't actually know I made the Top 100 news to me
Date: 3/31/2019 2:26:00 AM
Ah, 7uck the rules...who needs them, truly. Those rules aren't really in the winning lane. You need to turn the envelope inside out and push it forward.
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Flaherty Avatar
Christopher Flaherty
Date: 4/3/2019 6:27:00 PM
Rules are only for the common folk . How can I get on your Links L.L ?????
Labyrinth Avatar
Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/31/2019 2:29:00 AM
I'm going with Silver Chair on this one. Tuna in the Brine. /
Date: 3/30/2019 10:00:00 PM
Oh, this is going to my FAV list before I lose it!
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Flaherty Avatar
Christopher Flaherty
Date: 3/30/2019 10:27:00 PM
Thank you so so very much appreciated is an understatement Caren. Love and kind regards Yours Sincerely

Book: Reflection on the Important Things