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4/22/2024 for Tell me about your hobby in 8-20 lines of poetry contest sponsored by Tania Kitchen

Some folks, for fun, collect stamps or cook. Others may seek lofty mountains to climb. Erudite people might well pen a book, But I'm happiest when I make a rhyme. My hope is to write meaningful and true, But, at times, I might get carried away, And rhyme any 'ol thing and before I'm through, I go overboard to my friends' dismay. A speeding cop asks for registration. I say, "this ain't cause for celebration". The grocery cashier says, "have a nice day". I say, "how, with the prices I must pay?" I think I would be the most delighted, If things like the presidential debate, Or congressional proceedings were recited Completely in rhyme - yep, that would be great! When I'm asked "do you take her for your wife?", I'll say, "sure 'nuff mister, you bet your life!"

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 5/5/2024 9:33:00 AM
David, congratulations on your winning placement and sharing your rhyming hobby.
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David Crandall
Date: 5/6/2024 7:59:00 PM
Thanks Tania!
Date: 4/24/2024 7:23:00 PM
I enjoyed reading your poem David. Your rhyme and rhythm works very nicely, something that rhymers don't always do well. Great poem.
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David Crandall
Date: 4/24/2024 7:47:00 PM
Thanks for the compliment Warren, and glad you liked it!
Date: 4/23/2024 6:26:00 AM
To some extent this resonates with me altho its not about rhymes for me, but poetry makes me happy. And gives me relief. I love how youv expressed here and written in such a sincere tone, describing what gives you pleasure and your hobby so very well. Pleasure reading your work. Sending you light always
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David Crandall
Date: 4/24/2024 10:44:00 AM
Thanks for the light Ink Empress. I'm kind of new to poetry and rhyming. Paradoxically, it seems I'm less comfortable non-rhyming, and it seems harder to me - maybe because then what I say is naked, not covered by a rhyme, and must stand alone, or maybe because I don't quite know what non-rhyming poetry is supposed to look like or be. Though it's not always easy to find, I must have something to say, and the freedom in non-rhymed poetry should enable me to say it better. I like poetry to get things inside of me outside.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry