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Seperating his experiences from what he was taught he sought words to decribe if his boredom and laziness came from his ways of finding shortcuts t9 get his workdone Comparisions and compatiblity Gave great conversation but it didn't anwser the questions. Explainations of similaritiess the importance of each and the value placed upon them all. Wanting and needing neither Finishes a task, and it only destracts From why you are doing it. Favorable and desirible results guided by the need to be proud and effective. I can't use the words of business to decribe love And in love no words decribes business Less complicated and less neglective Might vacations relax the tired and might interest and amibition inspire your success And might you have people in place to counsel Your over eagerness to bring a sence of togetherness to this place From The Rattlesnake Gutt Creek Annual Orcheastra's Annual Suppernight Gala. Written by "France" Chepp Caulfinn Bass, soprano, and flutest for The Natrual laser guided porablesawmill band

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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