Revolution's Peace Perspectives
Go ahead
Dare to invite him
to a climaxing fall-colored picnic
To read you his obituary for himself
and for you,
subject to future updating
round perspectives
free for changing
still-evolving revolutions
my retrospective therapeutic turn
to introspectively review again
past traumas
of EgoSpection
surrounded outside
by his contextual EcoSpectral Spectrum Spectives
warm and cool,
freezing and redhot
climaxing traumatic knots
Not to out loud trust
speaking these Interior Obituary Inspections
about myself
and also His Exterior FullSpectral ReInspected
vulnerable truths, as I would heal them
through more transparent healthy wealth
of mutual compassion
slowly moving forward.
while opening the picnic basket
and our impassioned historic mouths
to speak of our possible future
re-amending revolution,
We take in all we can become grateful
for receiving now
in this sacred dining
graced reperspective place
through our co-relational experienced time
space within this eternally nutritious
nature seen and nurture heard
compassionate communion
In this
our eternally momentary
yet fully spacious
nonzero zoning sacred space
For further IntroVersive Speculation
Exterior AdVersive SpecuElation
CoReVersive Spectator Meditations
Spectacularly vulnerable
SpecUlative Reflections
On MeWe personal health
is also our cooperating political wealth
to socially empower
and culturally enlighten
economic incorporating cooperation
with nonviolently positive
psychologically therapeutic
nontraumatic communication
WinWin v WinLose
our polyvagal wavering way
but inviting more friendly
cooperatively co-invested
Left/Right DiPolar ReInSpections
reigning in co-passioning consciousness
of win/win co-relational banalities
cognitive/affective rebalancing
thought/felt binomialities
nondualistic wisdom
indigenous Left/Right
redeveloping naturally spiritual
embodied mind realities
Indi/ExtraForming Genius
ReInductive outflowing consciousness
ingrowing rememory
MeWe reflowing
of inside/outside double-boundary baskets
and tongue-speaking lungs
on a picnic for nonviolently recommunicating
our CoPassionate RetroSpectives,
autumn harvest
obituary perspectives
Of two separated
yet still married gay men
in our sixties,
with memories as a Southblack/Northwhite couple
and as parents
of four wounded
gratefully adopted children
of color
and diverse genders
and gender preferences
and transgender questions,
Longing to live
in a global climate perspective
of universal empowering healthcare
and unitarian eco-outside green respectives
multiculturally woke
enlightened consciousness
yang outside health
is also yintegral inside wealth
Of polyculturally green ecosystems
producing healthy multiculturals
EcoFeminist Win/Win
cheers and chills
for this
our RetroSpective
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2021
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