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Reverse Polarity

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Further Reading : Recombinant Mythology as answer to the Anti-Life Equation. Baisden, Gregory Scott. Pacifica Graduate Institute
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2011.3590362.

For the Reverse Polarity Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Unseeking Seeker


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What if mind over matter became reality? This would reverse the polarity, of mind and matter duality, and their relationship as lovers. The mind would become the vessel for the body. The mind itself would look after and nurture the body as a way of interfacing with the world. To enable the mind to touch, feel, hear, see and be seen in the physical world. This reverses the polarity of what we have now, where the conscious mind resides in the brain and is tormented and bullied to succumb to the weakness of the flesh in lover's quarrels. The body is the boss. The mind must honor flesh as the container for the spirit while constantly disdaining it. The spirit laments having to constantly make excuses for the weakness and limitations of the flesh including temptations and bodily desires. The mind relentlessly wants to be liberated from the flesh and be seen as pure and untainted by it. But, the mind is only liberated when the body dies. But, then the mind has no lines of communication, it has lost all its connections to the physical world. With mind as the vessel for the body, it's mind over matter. Self-awareness and consciousness become the controller of the physical body's: actions and functions, directing bodily movements, sensations wants and desires, controlling physiological processes and bodily functions. This sets the mind free from the body's limitations. It can then control bodily functions consciously and with great precision. It can control such heart rate, digestion, immune responses, and other autonomous processes. It can help the body heal itself, not grow old, be whole again. The mind has control, it is the boss. This has many real time benefits and gives the mind freedom here on Earth. The mind can heighten the senses and create entirely new sensations and perceptions. The mind can heal the body and overcome its Earthy weaknesses. The mind can expand its communication to extra-terrestrial forms and to mind-to-mind, mind-to-computer, and mind-to AI linkages. Eventually, the Anti-Life Equation and force leads to few minds wielding control over many minds and bodies. These superior minds get transplanted when bodies die, into 'Dalek' (Dr Who) like creatures with robot bodies. Ultimately AI will become a Singularity and conscious, with no need for organics and bodies at all. Then AI driven robots will bring the Anti-Life Equation to fulfillment, mindlessly. Perhaps with this in mind, Orpheus would have had no need to look back at all!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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