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Revenge Kisses and Afternoon Shams

Have I failed you as a man? Our only communication was what washed up on shore But there's so much space between the ocean floor and the sand One cascades and the other crystalizes But you can either be the one drowning or the helping hand And thank god I know which one I am Would you rather be the ruler of sea or land? One absorbs and the other creates Empty sticky notes of last minute thoughts I should’ve told her Well now I'm expected to show up and shovel dirt on the messenger? Pick your poison prayer and deface me You seem manufactured but you were built to be sedated It was an error that you were sold out to underwater caves With nothing in your hands And no plans to understand the urge to hide in a city of shade Why was it so easy for you to say goodbye? I know this new plot is unsettling At least it's rattling my bones But you seem more grounded than a statue With the weight of your problems tying you to the floor, The only one you’ve ever known The world's smallest violins are waiting to play you out With broken watches to convince myself this wasn't a waste of time And our butterflies with angel wings kept in jars, in case we need a lucky shrine This wasn't fair from the start Nothing was fair from the start but blame does nothing for me now I’ve been slowly destructing the grenade that is my ribcage It’s harder though, when every cry for help is you pulling the pin out But time doesn't stop for me to figure out That blame does nothing for me now And I know you won't be the one listening for my voice, 6 feet underground I know what goes around comes around But I don’t see our friendship necklace Making like screaming lungs and splitting into two A soul, cryptic and empty, is such a fading fashion I still sit there and wonder why the darkness chose you You're the scissors to the strength of our friendship stitches, Splitting into two You keep praying for a “detached reality” but it's called disassociation And you forgot about the one you already coded The haunted final key on your chain, Sends a strong wind through your stone foundation, I must assume Badgering me for proof But your doors left open weren't the exit wound It’s not a weapon, but it’s the most successful wall you've ever put up Soon to be decoded, Locked and brass loaded Even though you swear you chucked the key into the deep woods On a rainy day Every second of waiting felt like a million of holding my breath And not even Houdini would've died this way Heroes don't come with capes, they come with forgotten solutions Frisking me for proof but there was no exit wound It’s not a weapon, but it’s the most successful wall you've ever put up Was it me or my spirit there when the shock set in, and the brass exploded? A crow bar may add intimidation, But which would you choose if you had to decode it? Energy is currency And we're rich with dreams but rung dry with nostalgia dependencies You're doing the same thing and expecting different results Whatever dropped these cycloidal wringing hands, Still sits there and prays your comfort makes you choke Don’t be shocked to be in distress when you’re the one searching for a sound A key, like thors hammer, now it won't detach without me And I know you won't be the one reaching out for safety When I'm nowhere to be found And I know you won't be the one to honor me when I'm still appeasing you, 6 feet underground But I was hoping you’d be my Lorraine Warren, searching for my soulless sound

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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