Restoring Earthhealth
"America's health care system
is neither healthy,
nor a system."
Walter Cronkite
An organic system,
an interdependent co-governing web
of relationships between communicating subsystems,
To be resilient,
to remain robust,
must be win/win cooperative rooted
and not so much capitalist,
headstrong win/lose dominant intended.
Win/lose plutocratic,
and capitalist monocultural intent,
straight white patriarchal divine design,
extractive environmental plunder,
all logically conclude
with degenerative WholeSystem lose/lose
the opposite of win/win healthy caring regenerativity.
So too,
a complex,
deeply interconnected justice system,
to grow multiculturally robust
multigenerational justice
and WholeEarth systemic peace,
must become win/win designed
to restoratively mediate
healthy perpetrator/victim relationships
And not leading with judicial retribution,
with win/lose punishing past injustice
committed to revengeful disinvestments,
extractions from extended wounded communities
to be held in a physical/financial kennel
for hopelessly rabid dogs,
feral cats,
vampire bats.
So too,
a complex,
deeply interconnected health care system,
to be healthy
and co-empathically caring,
and remain a thriving resilient system
accessible to future EarthTribe regenerations,
Must be cooperatively owned
and self/other co-responsibly governed
with win/win multicultural
multigenerational gift economy
merciful intent
Not so much win/lose surgically competitive
medical technologies
available only to the highest bidder
in a competitive international market
for monetized
win/lose disorganized
insurance corporate profit players.
So too,
a complex,
deeply interconnected communication system,
to engage empowering, mutually enlightening, communion
of leftbrain thoughts with rightbrain feelings,
win/win co-passionately co-invested
rather than win/lose aggressive bipolar competitions,
With debates replacing civil discourse
and civic-minded/felt multicultural discernment
re-engaging multigenerational stuckness
in past competitive anthro-supremacist ideations
disassociated from ecosystemic WholeEarth origins
feeding evermore win/lose egocentric anxiety
about survival of the fittest overpowering communicators
When we could choose to communicate thrival
of the healthiest caring fit-iningest
just and peaceful
win/win resilient systems
With polycultural outcomes
without monocultural intent,
With polytheistic multicultural ecofeminist faith
without monotheistic straight white patriarchal fear,
With ecopolitical win/win cooperative ownership
without monopolistic win/lose competitive corporate rulership,
With ecosystemic win/win health caring communication systems
without egocentric win/lose wealth competing apartheid cut-off stems
Degenerating WholeEarth climates
disempowering cultures
replete with characters unenlightened
by eco-political absence
Of co-empathic conversational experience,
cooperative conversions,
GoldenRule health systemic
Whole GreenEarth consensus.
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2020
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