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Restaurant Reapings 2

Luckily, the languor didn't last long as a fit of spry gaits hopped into my attention and automatically carried it over------ that was a pair of fine feet in white sneakers. My eyeballs were soon captivated, then naturally extended along from them, up to lithe legs in blue jeans, slender figure in slinky shirt, succulent facial features of a good-looking lady, until her handsome bonnet with chic bobbles topping out all her adorability. Having experienced such a jaunty journey, my inert eyes seemed to be instantly revitalized by a specific visual vitamin and came to continuously convey contagious contentment to the other physiological faculties. In a short while she paced toward the table next to me with her platter and sat down for meal. In no haste she proceeded: Her fingers, lips and jowl muscles switched into motions successively and repeatedly, unwrapping her gainly fingering as well as the outer papers, then fitting the inner yummy into her comely consumption. My everything began to thaw out, like a garden's green wading through long hiemal hardship finally re-embracing the reunion with vernal verve...... Yummy enjoyer, she herself is also the yummy for my eyes.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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