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Resolving To the Tonic

Come cover me with taffeta blue let the shine rub onto you when joined with cotton the feel becomes joy in its pure state I love the touch of man-made materials when I speak with my cello silence prevails when cloth unites with the subtle texture of painted wood the touch is overwhelming my heart becomes raucous But then I play my cello silently it groans in soft delights the audience wriggles in their seats heaven itself can’t contain the beauty of the subtle pianissimo “Hush,” I said to the multitudes, they became quiet I played a blue cello; a golden muted trumpet accompanied me we began with a melodic mezzo piano playing with restrained bird calls softly the bird songs sat above lilting melodious notes Notes carry one toward into soulful ecstasies long panoplies of chords flow like water into a placid lake cellos then come to the fore filling out the symmetry of music the full composition is luscious manna to the ears and soul Chaotic chords flow to their beginning returning to resolve to the tonic to peaceful respite like humans require to final rest

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 2/15/2023 6:32:00 PM
Very nice!
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Cisneros Avatar
Norberto Franco Cisneros
Date: 3/4/2023 3:44:00 PM
Thank you Kim, sorry for the delay in responding.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things