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I Incontrovertible truths endure when the beginning of the end has begun - blessed is he who rejoices in his fate and damned is the fool by his own will undone. But do not despair my life revoked, drink and joke as I have drank and joked. II I feared life more than dying, more than God and more than mortal sin. Alas now I wait for the bell to sound and hearken a lone piper’s pibroch in the wind. For one last defiant gesture I crave before I am dressed a corpse in my grave. III Remember me a simple man whose life and fate was long ago sealed - freed from the wrath and the battle like some fallen soldier on some forgotten field. But that long road to my death knell leads to heaven through the gates of hell. IV Now the quietus I welcome for I cannot lose that which I never found, and as I in my pit unhonoured lay all ego and puffery does perish underground. I think it well I am without remorse no immovable object or irresistible force. V Will Death be my redeemer when all that survives is animus and fear? In final revelation and affirmation might the Kingdom of Heaven be waiting there? Or will old incarnation flesh and bone forever die a lost soul ‘neath a headstone? VI So drink! Drink and be merry O’ friend and brother and sister when I pass, but in my grave bury me face down and cheeks up and let this world kiss my ar-se! This I freely do with a contented scoff - now pucker up…bend over…and kiss off! Written: October 1992 “We live, we die, and the wheels on the bus go round and round”

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 10/18/2024 4:46:00 PM
So right, the world was revolving before I arrived…and will continue when I’m gone…I must remember to not take it so seriously. Thanks, Keith- excellent piece of writing.
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Keith D Trestrail
Date: 10/18/2024 6:49:00 PM
Cheers Mark.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things