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Repeat After Me

I’m a revelation, a mutation, a mutilation, Divine will and hysterical damnation. One nation under a spell of castration. I’m the chemical, you’re the academical, Condemning the notion of free motion. Polemical Hearing Healing Break through the gold ceiling, persist to steal it. Stuck in the system. Dreaming Not feeling pure. Imagination ain’t real. In my defence, I make sense, making cents, on innocents. Coincide your incense with my expense, Our expense is your offence. Picket fence. Pick a side Why so tense? Test the tide Have a drink. Will it quench Nuclear war on my doorstep? Divorce Death Drugs Forceps Forced steps, first steps, Towards complex subjects of the same sex The safe sex. Ain’t safe sex going through glass bars In a sidesplitting suplex? Forced ideas. Safe paycheques Forged ideals. Save apex. Stereotypes I’m the two time two sided too tired top model. I’m the type to go mono. One nation under one channel. That’s our new motto.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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