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You walk a hundred miles on the old country road in the sweltering heat, looking for that one thing that will make you complete and the stars in the early morning sky keeping your company as you walk pass the high land with grass covering the house that you once lived. Everything is still and just the sound of the whippoorwill, the cardinal and the magpie arguing on the hill. I stretched my neck to see if I could get a glimpse of them, but they were way up in the heavens walking on the lines that crossed beneath the savior and the divine. The clouds moved so fast, and the New Jerusalem was here at last and somewhere in the desert heat they gather in groups with scorched back and sweat dripping underneath their frocks as they journey towards the mountain that touch the sky. They could see it in living colors as they watched discretely from the highlands tower. I journey up the road looking for the untold myth and the legend of the stolen sea and the bison on the run that stole the beggar’s man’s gun; none of this makes sense to me, I try to piece the story together, but it just could not fit. The whole scene appears absurd to me of how mankind fought with the dragon in the sea, the legend is a thousand-year-old and continues to unravel mankind soul. I keep walking on the road with complete silence around me, and the thread in the mill keeps walking beside me and it is the only reason why I could not keep still. All of a sudden, the wind began to blow, and I heard a strange noise in the bush so I crossed the street and went over to look and there it was curled up in thorns and thistle, no wonder I could not get a break though, the deer was waiting for me over there and so I released it and set it free. I continue to walk towards the endless sea searching desperately for thee, but my soul keeps pining after me. The cold front began to break, and the trees began to shake and the birds in the air guide me on my journey.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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