Remembering Daddy
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Dear Daddy,how I miss you!
gone so very long.
But your eyes still sparkle and
I hear your life’s sweet song.
To be kind and forever a giver, to my
fellow man and woman.
To be forever a child of God, truthful,
and a compassionate human!
You gave more to people, than anyone
I have ever known.
Never looking to be king of the day,
neither a follower, with a groan!
One August 30th, you died in your bed,
Mom, and a gold cross at your side.
Angels came quickly, and up to heaven~
your final, heaven bound ride!
Your values, which you passed on to me.
sing loudly, in all my lines of poetry
You wisely taught me right from wrong,
to not be a peacock, in any throng!
In memory of my father, Edward who went
home to God on August 30,1984.
Blessed by you, Daddy!
Love, Panagiota
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2024
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