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Relax and Kick Back

Relax your mind from any troubles that come your way Easier said than done…but it’s required of us to have leisure time once in a great while! I have no problem with that whatsoever! Laze around and put your mind at ease please? Hang out with your friend and have a cup of tea or coffee or any alcoholic beverage! There’s plenty to choose from! There are soft drinks in the refrigerator! There’s orange juice? Milk? Water with ice or without ice perhaps? Please, tell me or I’ll drive you and myself nuts! And…simply…kick back! Chillax! Everything’s gonna work out in the end for a purpose that’s beyond brilliant! Just let it be…for now! XOXO’s will be sent to you by a mystery girl (Your secret admirer sends you XOXO’s to you in other wacko words)! Oooh…I wonder who’s that lucky person! Do you have the hearts for her, young man? Whisper ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in my ears and I won’t tell a single soul, I swear from the bottom of my heart! Allow yourself to get out of your comfort zone and explore the Joyous Island – surely you’ll know where the wind blows!~~~ Never lose touch of wisdom and wise sayings from the elder you’ve met somewhere in your past…use your time wisely, good sir, and don’t forget to be carefree! Danger might come our way! But, be happy – that’s what it’s s’posed to be, pal! Dangers are but for a moment, so have no fear, dear boy! Kick back and let yourself unwind for a time! Let everything solve on its own – take a break from the job and God will finish our job in no time if we place it in his hands, we’ll witness his mesmerizing miracles I’m sorry! I’m so sorry to hear that you’re currently unemployed! I wish you luck in your future findings and your search for jobs of course! Chit chat with your companion and speak your mind to him…oh buddy – make sure to spend time with each other and do some rather epic activities Kill the fears and reign over your phobias and be brave instead! Everything will be OK! No need to feel this overwhelming amount of dread! Believe me – I’m not a pro at being worry-free, but I am able to give you tips about how to decrease your anxiety (I hope you take them into consideration and I hope it proves to be helpful in your daily life) Ah…right! The title is redundant – silly me...I should’ve caught that before writing this composition, but it’s too late now – this verse is about to be done and it would be another chore to change it up! Funny, I just noticed the title and its “accident” – that, my friend, is heelarious! Chilly- the weather is… you should’ve worn a sweater or something of that type of clothing! Kangaroos spend their leisure time, hopping happily – will you do the same or get all worked up all over again?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 6/5/2014 11:52:00 AM
Kangaroos? that would be sight to see lol I love that you used the word chillax I say that word all the time that and take a chill pill lol nice write-Love Ettie
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