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Regressive Progress

In Shaker Heights, Ohio, founding fathers co-invested in: Change doesn't happen without planning This, despite unstraight unwhite unmale volatile experiences feeling sometimes victimized and sometimes blessed by unexpected weather transitions, despite feeling like vulnerable chameleons on a highly complex day, despite feeble farming in narrowing spaces between floods and famine, Despite more often feeling: Plans were made to be changed, A euphemism for: Your plans are disempowered to become downsized, disinvited, excised. Planning change feels as privileged as LeftBrain dominance which need not pause to listen and remember more fear-inducing personal experiences of chronic trauma Predative change predicting health and wealth losses, wild absence of planned control like HIV and COVID-19, global pandemics and climate change erasing EarthTribe's presumed polyculturally healthy future symbiotic ego/eco-systems. If sinister changes, including global pandemics, feel suspiciously planned to you then please rediscover your LeftBrain anxious conspiracy theories as a RightBrain felt weakness against integrity ReRooted in Straight-White-Male incorporated executive academic judiciously righteous privilege to have disproportionate learning resources to research, and plan more exclusive anthrosupreme progress in urbane families and professional work and expert economic and entitled political correct ego-formation history More successful than chronic disenfranchisement, monocultural marginalization, psychological depression, feminist political repression, economic suppression, win/lose competitive corporate colonizing oppression left v right compression-- all tragic unprogressive forms, not therapeutic changing flows, of mundane traumatic pathology. Change for LeftBrain dominant speakers, does not always sound like Progress to RightBrain prominent listeners. Ambiguity about personal capacity to empower therapeutic change can also be heard when I "deserve": to stay home (paid or unpaid?) when I'm sick to give voice (listened to or ignored?) to my transparent truth to be housed, institutionalized, hospitalized, incorporated, resourced, employed by patriarchal capitalists, health cared for, loved for who I could become with explicit contractual conditions for rewarded positive (more than punished negative) regard. If we have too seldom deserved merits more than demerits in our own salvation/demonization invitation/extrication experience, then we grow quick to notice "change" comes in positive and negative future plans As "progress" can be progressive cancer and climates of disruption more than polyculturally inclusive choice of love and not fear, of compassion and not violence For too many of Those People, as also for global EarthTrauma climate change, what follows Patriarchal-Capitalist plans for next quarter's progress is frightening absence of eco-political integrity, Business As Planned Usual increasingly degenerating toxic chaos costs.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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