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Reflections On My Seventieth Birthday

Marked by seven decades on land and sea, my asymmetrical soul always out of place. Trying on attire like subtextual pedigree, My fake jewels mimic a state of grace. Ignore the Homeric, Shakespearian legacy. Forget the poet as prophet. Now, most poets are stupid beasts jotting every lunacy. Now I know my haven. For this, I am another misfit. Lopsided is my consciousness, deformed is my thought. Seven decades of faltering certitude, years of faltering competence. I am forgiven to write poetry, excused for being overwrought. These are my coarse unauthorized edges in coexistence. Always in motion, animation distracts broken reflection. So many blunders and ill-conceived opinions. My metamorphosis into Aidos, sick with shame and dejection. No, I never belonged, just a squatter in all dominions. There were meager victories even in the freezing midnight rain, more like random good luck, I had no faith in them. Poetry grants license to accept what I can’t explain. Seven decades casting about the rubble ad hominem. II I am stable now. These back-brain wounds play only for me as unavoidable torment probing my limits. It isn’t exactly old I feel. It’s more like experience ladling fresh ways to see. The best lives are extended childhoods confident in attaining new summits. Any universal architect surely granted us supple wonder to adapt. Our galaxy alone presents at least 480 billion alternatives. But from other monkeys, we branched, with imaginations we tapped. As our cortex grew, our pictographs became the language of narratives. I am lucky to be among the privileged wondering. Seven decades have nearly reduced most of my conceit. My wisest word to travelers is to ask questions and start wandering. Above all, believe your purpose in the journey and roam without deceit. Published: PS: It's Still Poetry, January 2022 Published: Caesura, September 2021

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 9/26/2021 3:41:00 PM
Fantastic! What valuable insight + informing guidance in every stanza. That final line of self belief, to cast off doubt + "roam without deceit" is truly powerful. Great work Thomas. Carry on, without reservation. Brian
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Wells Avatar
Thomas Wells
Date: 9/27/2021 9:56:00 AM
Thank you so much, Brian! Your words are so encouraging.
Date: 7/23/2021 9:14:00 AM
A brilliant read. Thanks for drawing my attention to this poem, Thomas.
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Thomas Wells
Date: 7/23/2021 6:28:00 PM
I am so grateful for your compliment. Thank you, Suzette!
Date: 7/22/2021 1:39:00 AM
Brilliant thoughts with great use of vocabulary and wise words, Thomas, congratulations on being accepted for publication:)
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Thomas Wells
Date: 7/22/2021 8:19:00 PM
I'm honored by your high praise. Thank you, Jo!
Date: 7/20/2021 7:25:00 AM
I do like your style Thomas. The 70 years yielded results of an intellectual honest review of those years and lessons we are supposed to learn, most of which are difficult. Congrats on being accepted for publication.
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Thomas Wells
Date: 7/20/2021 4:11:00 PM
Thank you, Rob. I am so pleased with your thoughtful comments. - Thomas
Date: 7/19/2021 5:23:00 PM
Thomas, your poem is wonderfully penned and so skillful, I admire your use of words and phrases, no wonder it got published ~ peace and tranquility _Constance
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Thomas Wells
Date: 7/19/2021 6:31:00 PM
Constance, I am very honored by your praise! Pax, Thomas
Date: 5/22/2021 11:02:00 AM
"...roam without deceit... ." I love your honesty, humility, picture of peace in the word deceit; for with a clear conscience, we've got nothing to fear when faith buffers us. You've said a lot to excite one's mind to reflections. I turned 70 last September.
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Thomas Wells
Date: 5/23/2021 10:10:00 AM
Hello Iris, Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. And I wish you a belated happy birthday! Faith is a potent word. Though I may not experience it exactly the way you do, it is necessary to sustain my survival. When I drive down an unfamiliar road and reach a steep hill, it is faith that leads me to believe the road will continue on the other side.
Date: 5/20/2021 10:54:00 AM
Wow Thomas! Happy birthday from Fresno California! This poem spoke to me because I am a misfit too. I really like your phrase “asymmetrical soul always out of place”. That’s a great way to put it. At 45, I advise the same: to ask questions and start wandering.”
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Thomas Wells
Date: 5/20/2021 3:36:00 PM
Hey Jennifer, Thank you very much! I'm not that far from you. I live in San Jose Ca. We also appear to be cut from the same cloth. Yes, I am not surprised that you advise the same. Have a wonderful afternoon.

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