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Reflections: A Lonely Life of Death

The heart and mind meld this time I would that I bleed, not cry Bleeding tells them my body hurts Crying reveals my heart and soul hurt The tree of life is uncertain and short Season in; season out, my life; your life Is like a vapour, only musters to vanish into thin air A hidden life speaks essence, yet is shortlived The joy of happy moments Is having one to revel in them with To watch the mountain flowers bloom alone, Is as sad, painful as a growing thorn in the flesh The hurting body forthwith heals Sadness in the heart may never heal A frostbite that can metamorphose into death May subside with one to comfort the sadness at night Are you affrighted of death? Everyone dies Are you affrighted of loneliness? Sadly we are lonely Does it hurt to be wounded or cry? We have our times Does it hurt to move on? We get by everyday When we find our way to something new The memories of the old oft tend to conflict None can replace a life once and for all truly loved Huge is the tree of life with its roots deeply buried in lonesome mud and silence

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 12/11/2023 10:19:00 AM
This is a deep and sad poem, expressed with a lot of melancholic emotions..
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Akinwole Samuel
Date: 12/11/2023 2:16:00 PM
Thank you so much for your review. It really means a lot.??

Book: Reflection on the Important Things