I've finally found my road to redemption, despite getting lost a few times
Through the tears shed and blood shed, I wasted time wishing I could rewind
There's still some road blocks and obstacles, the path isn't clear
But I know where I'm going because my road to redemption is here
I've made many mistakes, it all started at a young age
No one else is to blame, I was the ome to fall victim to my dumb ways
I'm a good man with some bad traits
I'm finally on the pursuit of happiness after many sad days
I always thought my dad not being around gave me an excuse to act reckless
I thought my mother not being around gave me a reason to sleep around and not stay for breakfast
I learned that you can only avoid True love until Cupid hits you with that deadly strike
But somehow I managed it by spending time in strip clubs and having heavy nights
I wish I never self-harmed, But I'm thankful I found the strength to put the blade down
Even if I've still not got all of that self hate out
The more I care, the more I push you away, So I cause my own heartbreak
Breaking up with Stacey was my biggest mistake
It's took me 2 years to realise that, I guess I'm not the smartest
I'm painting a picture, But I wish I wasn't the artist
A little over a week ago I had to have a knife wrestled off me, and had to talk to the mental health team
My world collapsed, My fake smile wasn't enough to block out my crying screams
I was on the verge of suicide and I lost 2 friends that night who think I'm crazy now
The man in the mirror is the only person I have that can save me now
I'm still recovering from the pain, but What I've learned from that
Is every setback is made for a comeback
I need to start taking care of myself that's a self observation
I've gone from drinking weekly to drinking in moderation
I hope I can find true love with a great girl
But it will be difficult as I've already flirted with half of the female population
I'm taking each day at a time, as I continue working on me
I'm growing daily, so tomorrow will be a new version of me
I'm letting it all be known, So I don't have any old skeletons searching for me
The ones who left me, just weren't deserving of me
I'm far from perfect, I'm a good man with some bad traits
But I'm on the pursuit of Happiness after a lot of sad days
I've overcame so much worse, so there's nothing for me to fear
My road to redemption is here
Copyright © Alex Duffy | Year Posted 2018
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