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Red Or Blue

Poet's Notes

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Living a 3D technology in our visual world of reality where one is so much less without the other Two realities side by side in it’s depths we came alive seeing through each lens of a different color Now it seems we’ve fallen flat stabbed dimension in the back as traders for a pair of a different view Now a pair means both the same distorting reality through it’s frame so, either we see red, or we see blue Balance left our field of dreams with only one eye open, it seems where half the people we all know and love would turn their backs in angry pride on those who see the other side now enemies upon their choice there of In a world where everyone knows it all waiting and baiting the other side’s fall based on all they think is true and right Our two realities side by side fueled by lies and poisonous pride stay colorblind, corrupting everyone’s sight The color of red and the color of blue are likely the ones used defining you but what if you’re not what they think they see? How can you ever change the mind of those whom choose to be colorblind and live confined from the vision of liberty ? I pray someday within this maze the sun will rise through a purple haze to cast a royal light upon the face of seekers of bridges where canyons divide apart from the crags of the rocks where we hide to build a world upon amazing grace

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 4/27/2021 8:49:00 PM
Well Jeannie, it sounds good in theory but like you say "It's a visual world of reality". Which in my mind means partiality. Seeing it on the news and living it are two totally different things. As long as we get a different story on a different channel this is the way it will always be. We are all alike and yet so different. If your looking for peace, I suggest a walk in the woods or in your case along the beach. Love your beautiful vision:)
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