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heart of compassion, stifled by rejection concealed with conscientious imperfections marvel mind mortified by man made mistakes confined in constraint, no mental escape flunking society's supposed expectancy, failing oneself, free-falling inwardly sparkles in eyes subsided, light subdued flame flickers restrained by winded worries' mood foreboding face, faded flat with fatigue harness of helplessness, harrowing grief sandbag shoulders, sullen with unbounded burden unknown, none come close, to help the hurting 9/9/2023

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 9/11/2023 4:06:00 AM
Great use of alliteration adds to this poignant poem and helps to highlight the pressures and expectations that society puts on people. I like the way, in particular, you describe how the reclusive person presents.. "sandbag shoulders". Many people shun the sick and sad due to a lack of knowledge, time and just not wanting to get involved. Great work Juliet. Cheers - Gary
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