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Recipe That Makes Our PoetrySoup

Poet's Notes

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(Revision of Poem Posted October 2016)
Entered, 5/28/2024, In The Premiere Contest, “PoetrySoup”
Sponsor, Benjamin Bartley

1) Add all the Poets here, our group who we pay tribute to; 2) Each one's a part of our fine Soup no matter what they do. 3) Add Sponsors- plus all those who pen fine words to gladden them; 4) And those who read and comment then- each one's a zestful gem. 5) Add flavors from the seasoned write each Poet posts to read; 6) That in itself- a pure delight for varied tastes, indeed. 7) A great community we are! To those who season most- 8) Real special thanks and a Gold Star! To them- let's make a toast! 9) Keep stirring! Blend the mixture fine- Enticing more to dine! 10) And that's the recipe that still our Poets here fulfill!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 5/31/2024 6:54:00 AM
A lovely poem and tribute to everyone on Poetry Soup! Well written.
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things