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Recieving Fortification -Part 5-

Keeping the limited time in mind, I’ve lost grip of the rope of hope almost… But I’m seriously frustrated – Why did you leave my side? Who can mend this rip In my heart, once fabricated by affection? Open wide your ears, So I can whisper forgiveness that I’ve hidden for years There’s no use in running away… No use in waiting another day… There’s a great purpose for you and I to shine To brighten up the night… The brokenhearted strangers…the distraught orphans The bad conditions of this world frighten me! I need to become more like His child His joyous sheep! This harmful behavior… I-I must be strong And put an end to it…before the roots get too deep I know it’s dangerous and wrong! It's too much pressure to reap!
So, what am I supposed to do when I feel down? Are you even there to erase my frown?
Anyways, I wish you good in all you do I wish you good health and luck too But, I’m alive and I’m in a restful state Fighting the feelings of hate What is there to do? Wait for an answer that will never come? What is there to say? Do I pray for God’s soon-to-be Kingdom? I got to explore deeper so I can find The one I truly love…God knows I’ve tried I got to seek change before my time’s up – tell me if I’m falling behind I’m feeling numb at the wrong time…my high hopes has died Should I shout for your attention? Or would that be too much of an intrusion? Whatever fits the occasion… Don’t laugh at me… I’ve married anticipation! You’re a beloved guest to the wedding! We’ve got together with God’s fortification…

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 4/29/2014 2:06:00 AM
Lovely ending to this journey. You carried me along nicely. I see faith here in the picture. We all have questions. We all struggle. At times it seems no one is listening....but your poetry speaks loud and clear. I heard. God hears. Keep writing! :)
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