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Recentering Earthconsciousness

When I see and hear, touch and feel, something Somewhere unwanted someplace uncherished egocentrism Making alienating choices that follow group win/lose competitive norms, this constellation of nationalistic patriotism's monoculturing beliefs and unbeliefs, anthroprivileged values and disvalues, provoke out-raging hypocritical anger. It is only in epic transition times when climatic health and safety social issues emerge and re-emerge, evolve and revolve, inhale and exhale, inside and outside, that these same unwanted uncherished competitive choices by Other Capitalist USA Supremacist Evangelically Straight baby-maker Fundamentally White is not sinful Black Male DeathCulturists provoke fear Inside acute anxiety that my own ecologically cooperative values are merely BusinessAsUsual competing theological disvalues against StraightWhiteMale lack of divinely esteemed Multi-LifeBearing Culture experience And deeper chronic negative anticipation that my ecosystemic beliefs about fundamentally nondualistic LeftBrain healthy regenerativity are also DeathCulture Other's RightBrain unsafe degenerativity; These angers and fears live and breathe outside and inside my win/win optimizing hopes and bilateral faith in curious research and courageous design for cooperative ego/eco-therapies with Other's Lose/Lose dismay at heart and in despairing mind un-pairing unicameral uncaring Shadows of co-empathic experiential nihilism, xenophobia anthroprivileged claustrophobia rabidity mortal carnal sin terror depression inhumane ecofeminist suppression, zealous RightBrain repression, instinctively negative affective-cognitive dualdark DeathCulture violently uncommunicating nonverbalizeable acutely dispassioned impressions Of angering or fearful sin as lose/lose ego/eco-systemic multilateral communion absence of healthy and safe wealth Experience of cooperative co-invested bicameral win/win recentering Earth Patriotic/Matriotic Yang/Yintegral tipping climatic points of multiculturing climax co-arising dipolar health/wealth balance, yes, but also beauty's sensual co-passion.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 3/28/2021 8:15:00 AM
This an excellent poem, from top to bottom, I enjoyed reading, well done Gerald, best wishes//las
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