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Realtalk Parties

What if political parties all over Earth were invited together to sign a covenant at a We The BiCameral People Party; A covenant to never nominate or endorse or vote for a candidate for public office without economic and political and environmental and psychological and socio-cooperative logical training in non-violent communication skills, verbal and non-verbal. This experience, publicly documented, multicultural design certified, resiliently and resonantly quantified, qualifies facilitators of RealTalk inclusive and contagious public health to con-celebrate virtuous GoldenRule circles and green ecosystemic climate wealthy public/private lives RealWalk more robust than Win/Lose necessarily tolerant voices unheard herded, not invited, into what RealTalk could become a more resilient deeper learning as a Win/Win trusting health democracy. What if Christian Law and Moral Order Schools required first year retributive justice Win/Lose classes as legal baseline Business As Win/Lose UnUsual, And second year restorative peace and justice outdoor green eco-game robust nutrition classes in moral virtuous circles Transactional Business As Healthy Win/Win Usual, And third year liberal-green/conservational-red left/right ego/eco-justice private/public health care resilient mediation life skill tipping-pointers toward Win/Win co-inviters, as favorably contrasted against Lose/Lose long-term UnDead UnReal ClimateWalk of death skill competing commodifiers? What if health-stretching tolerance became, again, a re-creative tension between growing Win/Win eco-resilience and not so much toxic Win/Lose ego-dissonance? Instead, compassionate left/right resonance liberal/conservational +1/(-,-)0 polynomial greenblue, aqua,ultra-violet, sometimes plainly gorgeous/monocultural imperialist red, left-wing/right-boot ego-march/eco-systemic fancy flight bilaterally conservative of ego-marching/eco-dancing balance, Functional RealWalk Yang strength/ Flowing RealUnTalk Yintegrity, atomic/wave-linear, precessive/recessive (Bucky Fuller) patriarchal/matriarchal fragmented complexity with an impossible fractal-holonic-rainbow understory densely learned polypathic ecosystemic forest neural-bonded egotherapy systemic. What if restorative justice, for GoldenRule WinWin covenant violators, were RealWalk invitations to a reverse-potlatch, unkleptocratic green sanctuary event for paying Lose/Lose offender taxes to co-invest in less Win/Lose ZeroSum violence against Win/Win emergent organic re-membering resilient GoldenRule cooperatives established in our original democratic interdependent Earth Patriotic Party composed entirely of sacred covenanted co-relationships To never ever choose Win/Lose candidates hoping they won't become another Lose/Lose nominee against RealTalk RealWalk cooperative bicameral public office or even private healthy-wealthy intrapersonal left/right Win/Win un-sociopathic health practice.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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