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Reality Suciks

Reality sucks, right, that's why you get stoned Yeah, man, reality bites the big one. They're bombing and blowing each othe up overseas-- Now they've hit our continent with their insanity Definitley sucks-take another hit off that bong. Reality suck, that's why you drink- Gotta escape reality before you go insane. Serial killers, rapists, pedophiles (have a quick swig) Corrupt governments, televangelists, corporataions- It's a bummer alright-pop the tab on that beer. Reality sucks, yeah, that's why you smoke crack You find that sense of peace-reality fades. Police brutality, child abuse, medical malpractice; What a drag-push that brillo again. Reality is-when you're broke and need a toke Reality is-when you stink cause you puked up your drink Reality is when you're sacked and out of crack. Doesn't reality suck D H Loewen

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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