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Real Love

Poet's Notes

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Time brought with it a beautiful Far prettier than the faded photos, the images That reminded me of a life in the past, Whispers of kindness, the gentlest caress… Happiness pouring over my special wish, Promising hope to bring with it the blessing Time brought with it a tenderness To bruise the mind with sensitivity, caring Beyond what the heart might have known, Affectionate like the very best gifts, the friends Who know better, know secrets, warmth That melts away the past, the doubts, the tears Thaws every frozen dream, brings out Understanding, feelings that bleed faith within Time brought with it a miracle Wonder that would reassure, prompting The soul to memorize the hopes, The dreams, the prayers, the pleas for grace Feelings that blend with the spiritual place Erase all the sorrows, the clouds, worries With the awesomeness of a love Far bigger, far better, far brighter than any Love that the heart has ever know This is love that only God could have shown

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 5/25/2023 3:45:00 PM
Meaningful thoughts fullfil your poem, Giona. It is God's unconditional Love that is with description. We can only know it and experience it through accepting His gift of salvation through His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. We can know it through faith and acceptence of His grace. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us through your poetry my dear friend. Let your light shine, Bill
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