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The "shocking" news gets all the pub, while the worthwhile takes the back seat. People are generally more concerned about the scare that is Britney's hair or lack thereof.Or about the final resting place for Anna Nichole when it is really nothing more than a hole. No, I'm talkin' about the euro supplanting the greenback as currency of choice.And the boistrous voice of one proud and nasty man from Iran.While his nuclear pot does boil and stew, he obsesses with obliterating the Jews. And what about man getting so very smart, smart enough to clone, but then wonder exactly what he's done.And each day more and more lava running into the sea and quake after quake continually rocking our world while an overabundance of hurricanes,typhoons and cyclones does so swirl. No food here....dried up all around.Wait, two states over......flood waters totally cover the ground. And this is no longer rare, it goes like this around the globe... everywhere. And then there is this special place called Israel who's desert was once so barren, now has vegetation galore and God only knows what else is in store for them. Again, not really front page stuff is what is goin' down in China.It is overwrought with an abundance of various diseases from TB to HIV to Hepatitus B.That is just to mention a few. But there are certainly enough where they are mystified and really don't know what to do. Then we have this guy bearing the number 666 who proclaims he is Jesus.Avoiding him would be wise.... might be satan in disguise. The search is still on, but not so much for the truth.Man is content with things that just seem right by todays standards.... lies that tickle their ears and belie their fears. And so amazing is this new fangled computer chip that is implanted under our skin that carries so much information.Might it someday very soon be used by someone who is bent on tracking and peace, though false , and "globalization?" Yes, these most certainly seem to be the labor pains foretold in the Bible regarding the "last days." And yes, like labor pains, they are increasing in both frequency and intensity. No way can mere mortal man keep them at bay. These labor pains will soon lead to the "delivery" of the long awaited Messiah.Only this time, He won't come as a humble child, meek and mild, but instead, a mighty warrior king come to rescue those committed to Him.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2007

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