Rape culprits
At a young age, they start to rape.
It is a disaster in the Cape.
At 15 he starts to rape.
There is no way to escape.
At 15 he rapes the kids in the home.
They are close like bees in a honeycomb.
The grandparents in the house
living like blind mice.
The parents are all drug addicts,
living off others like ticks.
Their kids are thrown away,
their lives have gone astray.
Their kids have been vandalised,
they have been bastardised
by a 15-year-old boy.
He is not a stable boy.
Grandpa and Grandma turned a blind eye.
How could they turn a blind eye?
For three years they ignored it,
even though they were in the cockpit.
The grandparents turned a blind eye.
What standard did they apply?
Their kids are drug addicts,
living off others like ticks.
Copyright © Andre C Anderson | Year Posted 2025
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