Her charm and beauty all I saw,
In darkness took my flight.
Knowing not of my demise,
Or knowing wrong from right.
I fell completely in love with her
She wielded me with Charm.
She lured me in with beauty,
And blinded me from harm.
I was so in love with her
And in her folly played.
Not mindful of my Father’s wish
And His word I disobeyed.
So subtly to me she came
And in her face I saw,
Only good that she could bring
And nothing else at all.
I thought she would stand by me
And then one day I found
She had no love for me at all
And I fell upon the ground.
I turned my eyes to heaven
To Him I began to pray.
And asked HIM to deliver me
To take her from my way.
He filled me with His precious love
And made my eyes to see
She was only like her name
And from her I should flee.
Her beauty yet entices me
And Sin is still her name.
Her will no longer captures me
Since Jesus to me came.
Copyright © Ron Lanier | Year Posted 2010
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