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Random Thoughts

Beautiful day beautiful night divided between darkness and light Colors arrayed colors withdrawn vanish at dusk return at dawn Ceaseless cycle endless age play their parts on celestial stage Some are born some will die on every turn beneath the sky Ages come and ages go as part of this galactic show That you and I are spinning through eternal space is nothing new Forever is a long long time a mountain with an endless climb There's nothing I can do about these mysteries there is no doubt They play around inside my mind so tantalizing and unkind So vast and unexplainable the answers unattainable I must accept as here I sit that I'm too blind and slow of wit to understand these things, you see but let's keep that between you and me

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 1/23/2019 8:00:00 PM
I myself think those things every so often I guess thats what makes us human, well done my friend!
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Wise Avatar
Michael Wise
Date: 1/24/2019 6:29:00 AM
They're fun to ponder, but they can drive you crazy! lol Thank u Bobby! :)

Book: Reflection on the Important Things