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Raising the Dead

RAISING THE DEAD... Going viral in whatsapp circle is the following... *ELDERS JOKE*. ***************** *Grandma & grandpa were watching healing service on TV. Pastor told all who wanted to be healed to put one hand on the TV and the other hand on the body part that wanted healing*. *Grandma slowly put one hand on the TV and the other on her arthritic shoulder. Grandpa too got up, put one hand on the TV and the other on his private part. Grandma looked @ him and says... "Dear I guess you just don't get it, do you? The purpose is to heal the sick, NOT to raise the dead"!!* Lol ?????? Hohoho.... Grandma has long suffered so many disappointments.... That she could be so scathing in her admonishment... Grandpa the hopeful could do with a bit of more encouragement... And a little more faith which can move mountains and maybe even raise the dead... Hohoho...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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