Raining Thoughts
The summer heat swells
The brain trying to function
Under the pressure
Hands and feet are stiff
Eeking words out of the air
Seeking a release
Sometimes thoughts rain down
Interferring with our lives
From out of the blue
Furiously, we try
To uncover the reasons
For our despair
Yet, there is real joy
At finding a way through it
A resolution, of sorts
It is not high art
Posterity will not claim
The ramblings as good
The human was here
Raining thoughts, splashing around
Trying to be heard
Sharing the silence
Reader and writer connect
In the mist of life
It has all been said
In so many ways before
Life is not exact
The fact that we try
Testifies that we were here
Raining our own thoughts
Copyright © Karen Price | Year Posted 2010
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